Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Aw2pp overcome by Red Dot Fever

I have a piano lesson in 29 minutes. Was just playing my recital piece, and played the first half, even three-fourths so well that... it made me nervous. I was thinking, "Wow, this is really something here..." And of course, that took my mind off what I was doing, and I made a fatal error. Recording over.

But I'm telling you, for the first 3 or 4 minutes, it was some seriously good music.

Back to it. Thought I'd share that with you on this slow afternoon.

- Aw2pp, who will now get back on that horse and try again.


AnthonyB said...

The red dot doesn't let you get away that easy.

I've had the pleasure of messing up a final measure during a red dot + video take once. That was annoying to say the least. :)

Always Wanted to Play Piano said...

The video adds an extra layer of complexity that I am not ready to deal with yet. I commend your fortitude.

How'd you like Indaco?