Thursday, June 11, 2009

My recital piece

Ok, I am all uploaded. (And just like that, I have a spam commenter who suggests I could be a "Youtube star". Heavens, I never aspired to such lofty goals before...)

A couple of comments and observations:

- I edited out the introductory comments, as you couldn't really hear what I was saying anyway.

- Speaking of which, the sound quality isn't the best. AnthonyB has mentioned before how Youtube strips the sound of high-quality recordings. In this case, it isn't Youtube's fault. It's partially my fault, for not getting proper sound out of the piano, and it's partially an equipment thing, as our camera isn't the best for this purpose. So put the headphones on. And if* we do this next year, we'll try to fire up an external mic or something.

* - "If?" Who am I kidding, we're doing this next year.

- As to the performance: the first half was, now that I listen to it, much rougher than I remembered. Boy, did I get off to a shaky start. Other way around on the second half, which was a vast improvement, and sounds much more confident than I remembered.

- Aw2pp, who, for the 18th consecutive year, has declared himself eligible for the upcoming NBA draft


Monica K. said...

Super job, AWTPP! You didn't look nervous at all to me.

ral said...

Well done!

Anonymous said...

Just getting to catching up reading and watching! Very nice job- both you and Jillian!

Nancy said...

Wonderful performance! Kudos to you for performing in the recital (were there other adults?). I did a duet with my daughter at our first recital (I messed up more than she did). Also - Can you tell me where to find the sheet music for this song? :) Thanks!

Always Wanted to Play Piano said...

Hi, Nancy! Thanks for stopping by.

Of the 25 recital participants, I was one of two adults. (And the other was a young woman who probably barely fit the description. If she were buying beer, I'd certainly ask for ID, let's put it that way.) I did have a number of other adults come up to me afterwards saying that I had inspired them somewhat, and they were thinking of perhaps taking up piano themselves, maybe even participating in next year's recital. We'll see.

I copied the music from a book I purchased off Amazon, called The Best of Einaudi. At about $25, it is an outstanding value, in terms of the volume and diversity of sheet music (assuming you have some interest in the music, that is).

Nancy said...

Thanks for the info on the music; I don't think I'd heard it before and it was beautiful; so I'll have to get a copy of the book.

In our recital there was another adult who was going to do a duet with her daughter (who was a year or so younger than mine); but ended up not at her daughter's request.

I haven't done a recital since (the recital space went away when that piano store went out of business - very sad); but hope that my daughter and I will each do a solo when they get a new location sorted.

Unknown said...

Hi aw2pp,

My name is Denis Daly. I am also on the Einaudi forum. I believe you post there also. Saw your performance of I Due Fiumi. Very impressed. I am also tackling it at the moment. I would be interested to hear your experiences with it. No need to publish this. Denis