Thursday, February 5, 2009

Public Service Announcement: RSS Feeds

Just wanted you to know that I am aware that something is awry with the RSS feed, and I am investigating what to do about. Of course, if you are reading this, you are probably right on the blog itself right now, and you may have no idea what I am talking about. On the other hand, if you are one of the RSS subscribers (AnthonyB, I am looking at you, and perhaps 2ndSoprano, mom3gram, and Professor K.), you aren't seeing this announcement. Which is ironic, since you are my intended audience here.

So as you were. Hopfully I'll get this fixed. I'd hate to have to set that all up again, and ask you to do likewise.


AnthonyB said...

This post showed up just fine in google reader this morning. I do head over to the blog url itself from time to time, mainly to check up on comments (not that there tend to be very many at all.)

Anonymous said...

I got it fine today, as well.

Always Wanted to Play Piano said...

Ok, gang, good to know. FWIW, Feedburner is migrating it's feeds to Google, and mine went dormant for awhile because of it. But now Google is charge of the feed, which means it should be go to go henceforth.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Still getting it fine here, Google Reader. I just don't comment often! Hope all is going well in the job search.
