Saturday, October 24, 2009

Imeem, I am done with you

The whole point of embedding an Imeem player for recordings was that you didn't have to go anywhere else to hear the music. Then they started embedding ads in their embedded player, which I did my best to remove before posting. They seem to have figured that bit of trickery out, and now only allow you (me, anyone) to embed the first 30 seconds of a given sound clip.

Imeem, I am done with you. All further recordings will be posted using links only.

- Aw2pp, who originally posted this without adding anything here.


AnthonyB said...

Good riddance. :)

iMeem had been a little bit functional but would normally only play the 30 second clips which made it inferior to the player.

Always Wanted to Play Piano said...

Thank you, Nancy! I'm glad you enjoy the blog.