Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm years ahead of this guy

After all, he picked up piano at age 48, I started when I was 39.

Cincinnati Bengals Line Coach takes up piano

What's interesting about this is that he took up the instrument to get inside the mind of a performer. Money quote:

Because, over the course of a night, if (a concert pianist) plays 20,000 notes, and he misses a couple, he's had a bad night. And that's kind of the business I'm in - teaching people how to perform, particularly under pressure.

Never quite thought about it that way, although, with public recital #2 coming up in about 5 weeks, I should. I knew piano would teach me about music and preparation It has re-affirmed a lot of what I already knew, mainly having to do with HOW we learn things. But it never occurred to me to think of approaching piano from the perspective of a performer.

I'm going to have to think about this a little while more, but wanted to share it with you anyway.

- Aw2pp, recalcitrant perfectionist


pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

Have you read "The Inner Game of Music" by Barry Green & Timothy Gallwey? Gallwey wrote "The Inner Game of Tennis."

Funny to be relating backwards from music to sports to music!

And I don't think missing a few notes is a bad night; coach has it wrong there.

ral said...

I have that same "perfectionist" streak in my nature. For me, a big part of learning to perform is coming to grips with that.

I know my teacher would say "nobody cares about those wrong notes." Well, even if I don't quite believe that the idea behind it is right -- to play musically I have to ignore the mistakes and keep going.

It took me about three years of lessons before I was satisfied with the way I performed a piece. Coming up on 7 years now I still get butterflies but I have come to enjoy playing for others to hear. Like everything else, it requires practice.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

That's what I'm working on now, to be able to keep going without that huge pause that screams "I made a mistake!" Because really, if people don't know the piece, and you don't point it out, but keep playing musically, who's going to know?